Cookies Policy


This site uses both own and third-party cookies to improve the user’s experience and to offer contents adapted to his/her interests, by personalizing advertising spaces.

By registering and/or just browsing (with the browser enabled to accept cookies), the user accepts the installation of cookies, unless s/he objects, as detailed in this cookies policy.

Our cookies policy is subject to regular updates. Its purpose is to help the user understand our use of cookies, the aim of the cookies used, as well as the options the user has to manage them.

Users can access this info anytime through the link provided in the website. They may also change their preferences on the acceptance of cookies through their browser options.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file, stored in the user’s browser via the website. Cookies facilitate the use and browsing of the website and are essential for the functioning of the internet, while providing numerous advantages in the provision of interactive services.

Cookies used

Our website has no memory enough to retain information about users. So when you either finish browsing, close the browser or go to another website, you will not be recognized as the same user. Cookies ensure that when you visit our site again, you are recognized/identified as a user and your preferred interests provided the first time you visited our website will be applied again.

There are different types of cookies and they are used for different purposes. Cookies differ depending on the function, duration and who stores them in a website.

Our website uses the following types of cookies:

  • Technical cookies: we use technical cookies to make our website work properly.
  • Functional cookies: we also use functional cookies to remember the user’s preferences and to help him/her use our website in an efficient and effective way. For instance, to remember the language chosen by the user, his/her searches… These functional cookies are not strictly necessary for the proper functioning of our website but they add usefulness/functionality and improve the user’s experience.
  • Analytical cookies: we use analytical cookies to understand how our users make use of the website, to detect what works and what does not, to optimize and improve the website and to ensure our users continue considering our website interesting and relevant. The data collected includes websites the user visited, the type of platform used, the date/time information and other data such as the number of clicks made in a specific website, the mouse movements, the search words used, and the text entered when using our website.

The cookies we use have a variable lifetime. The maximum lifetime set in some of them is 5 years from the last visit to our website. The user can erase the cookies from his/her browser anytime. We recommend consulting the help option in your browser to obtain information on the different options about the management of cookies